The four departments of the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IPF) as well as the junior research group GRUSS conduct research and development in the fields of photogrammetry, remote sensing, geoinformation technologies and machine vision. Our emphasis is thereby on sensors, models, methodologies, and processing systems for retrieval of semantic and/or quantitive information from remotely sensed data, occasionally integrated with background data from geo-databases.
IPF is involved in numerous projects and co-operations ranging from fundamental research to development of operational systems. For academic education, the IPF team teaches students in different fundamental and advanced subjects of Geodesy & Geoinformation, Remote Sensing, Computer Science, Geosciences, and many others and provides supervision of BSc., MSc. and PhD theses.

Remote sensing in the narrower sense is aimed at obtaining thematic information about the earth's surface and objects located on it.
Junior Research Group:
Geoinformatics for climate Resilient Urban SystemS

Photogrammetry captures both the spatial dimension (geometry) and the meaning (semantics) of objects without contact using images.
Machine Vision (also called machine vision or image understanding) comprises technologies and methods for automatic sensor-based inspection or robot guidance and is mainly used in industry for quality assurance and automation.
Geoinformatics is the science concerned with the development and use of information science infrastructure to solve problems in geography, cartography, earth sciences and related fields of engineering and other sciences.