Scientific Background
- 01.04.2011 - 29.02.2012: Akademische Mitarbeiterin am IPF
since 2013 |
academic coordinator at the AGW |
2011 - 2013 |
Research assistant at the Institute of Photogrammetry und Remote Sensing (IPF), KIT; KIT Startup-Budget (STUB): "Enhancing soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer (SVAT) components in hydrological models by exploiting the combination of eddy-covariance and novel hyperspectral image data" |
2010-2011 |
Scientific coordinator of the cluster of excellence initiative „Hydrosphere“, Institute of Hydromechanics (IPF), KIT |
2006-2011 |
Execution of the DFG-project “Development of hybrid stochastic-mechanistic models for the partitioning and extrapolation of land surface to atmosphere water, energy and carbon fluxes” at the Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig, and at the Department for Geography, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. |
2004-2005 |
Visiting Scholar (DAAD) at the University of California, Davis |
1999-2006 |
Academic studies of Geoecology at the Universität Karlsruhe (Majors: Landscape Ecology, Soil Sciences, Meteorology, Hydrology, Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics, Informatics) |
Research Interests
- Modeling of soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer processes (SVAT)
- Data-based modeling approaches
- Regionalization of model parameters
- Combined analysis of eddy-covariance measurements of matter and energy fluxes of vegetated areas and remote sensing data
- Utilization of hyperspectral remote sensing data in SVAT models
- Flow and transport processes in groundwater and the vadose zone
Publications (peer-reviewed)
Horn, J.E.; Schulz, K. (2011): Spatial extrapolation of light use efficiency model parameters to predict gross primary production. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (in press). |
Horn, J.E.; Harter, Th. (2011): Domestic wells have high probability of pumping septic tank leachate. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 8, 5701-5732. |
Horn, J.E.; Schulz, K. (2011): Identification of a general light use efficiency model for gross primary production. Biogeosciences, 8(4), 999-1021. |
Horn, J.E.; Schulz, K. (2010): Post-processing analysis of MODIS leaf area index subsets. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 4, 043557. |
Horn, J.E.; Harter, Th. (2009): Domestic well capture zone and influence of the gravel pack length. Ground Water 47(2). |