Mitarbeiterbild von Sina Keller neu

PD Dr. rer. nat. Sina Keller

Curriculum vitae
Research emphasis
Other Profiles
Memberships & Voluntary Activities


Curriculum vitae


Habilitation at the KIT-Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences, 

Area of Expertise: Machine Learning in Environmental Informatics

02-03/2016 Visiting scientist at the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
2015-2017 Participant of the KIT mentoring program for researcher "X-Ment"
Since 07/2015 Post-Doctorate at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
2012-2015 Promotion to Dr. rer. nat. at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Since 2012 Student of the KIT Graduate School for Climate and Environment (KIT-GRACE)
Since 2012 Lecture for mathematics at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University in the degree program "Applied Computer Science" and "Business Information Systems" as well as consultant on the optes-project
08/2012 Expert Reviewer for the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Working Group III, Chapter 12
07-08/2011 Grant-holder for the University of Exeter International Summer School on "Climate Change: Society and Technology", Exeter/ UK
07/2010 Research Associate at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
2004-2009 Studies in mathematics and geography, University of Karlsruhe (now KIT)



Research emphasis

  • Machine learning for predicting physical parameters based on remote sensing data
  • Hyperspectral remote sensing
  • Vulnerability of critical infrastructure
  • GIS analysis
  • Ground based radar interferometry for bridge monitoring




  • Basics of geographical information systems in the context of modeling and planning
  • Introduction | Logic and algebra at the DHBW Karlsruhe
  • Introduction | Knowledge-based system at the DHBW Karlsruhe



Other Profiles



  • Best Paper Award at the ISPRS Geospatial Week 2019 in Enschede (NL)


Memberships & Voluntary Activities

  • Young Professionals' Forum of the Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL), Germany
  • Verband der Geographen an Deutschen Hochschulen (VDGH)
  • German Red Cross Bühl-Achern - Civil Protection Rescue Dog Unit






  • Albakry, M. F.; Alkhatib, I.; Alonso-González, D.; Amaral, D. W. P.; Anczarski, J.; Aralis, T.; Aramaki, T.; Arnquist, I. J.; Ataee Langroudy, I.; Azadbakht, E.; Bathurst, C.; Bhattacharyya, R.; Biffl, A. J.; Brink, P. L.; Buchanan, M.; Bunker, R.; Cabrera, B.; Calkins, R.; Cameron, R. A.; Cartaro, C.; Cerdeño, D. G.; Chang, Y.-Y.; Chaudhuri, M.; Chen, J.-H.; Chen, R.; Chott, N.; Cooley, J.; Coombes, H.; Cushman, P.; Cyna, R.; Das, S.; De Brienne, F.; Dharani, S.; di Vacri, M. L.; Diamond, M. D.; Elwan, M.; Fascione, E.; Figueroa-Feliciano, E.; Fouts, K.; Fritts, M.; Germond, R.; Ghaith, M.; Golwala, S. R.; Hall, J.; Harms, S. A. S.; Harris, K.; Hassan, N.; Hong, Z.; Hoppe, E. W.; Hsu, L.; Huber, M. E.; Iyer, V.; Jardin, D.; Kashyap, V. K. S.; Keller, S. T. D.; Kelsey, M. H.; Kennard, K. T.; Kubik, A.; Kurinsky, N. A.; Lee, M.; Leyva, J.; Liu, J.; Liu, Y.; Loer, B.; Lopez Asamar, E.; Lukens, P.; MacFarlane, D. B.; Mahapatra, R.; Mammo, J. S.; Mast, N.; Mayer, A. J.; Meyer zu Theenhausen, H.; Michaud, É.; Michielin, E.; Mirabolfathi, N.; Mirzakhani, M.; Mohanty, B.; Monteiro, D.; Nelson, J.; Neog, H.; Novati, V.; Orrell, J. L.; Osborne, M. D.; Oser, S. M.; Pandey, L.; Pandey, S.; Partridge, R.; Pedreros, D. S.; Peng, W.; Perna, L.; Perry, W. L.; Podviianiuk, R.; Poudel, S. S.; Pradeep, A.; Pyle, M.; Rau, W.; Reid, E.; Ren, R.; Reynolds, T.; Rios, M.; Roberts, A.; Robinson, A. E.; Ryan, J. L.; Saab, T.; Sadek, D.; Sadoulet, B.; Sahoo, S. P.; Saikia, I.; Sander, J.; Sattari, A.; Schmidt, B.; Schnee, R. W.; Scorza, S.; Serfass, B.; Simchony, A.; Sincavage, D. J.; Sinervo, P.; Street, J.; Sun, H.; Tanner, E.; Terry, G. D.; Toback, D.; Verma, S.; Villano, A. N.; von Krosigk, B.; Watkins, S. L.; Wen, O.; Williams, Z.; Wilson, M. J.; Winchell, J.; Wykoff, K.; Yellin, S.; Young, B. A.; Yu, T. C.; Zatschler, B.; Zatschler, S.; Zaytsev, A.; Zhang, E.; Zheng, L.; Zuniga, A.; Zurowski, M. J. (2025). Light dark matter constraints from SuperCDMS HVeV detectors operated underground with an anticoincidence event selection. Physical Review D, 111 (1), 012006. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.111.012006